Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 10

Today was extremely frustrating. I opened up the sewing machine, read the instruction manual, watched the DVD, and put the upper and lower thread into place. I read through everything and noticed that there was no way to set the width or length of the stitches. I did a few practice stitches of the tightest (satin) zigzag stitch, but it was 1/4", which is WAY too wide for the car. I'm not sure why you would use a stitch that wide, especially since it says it is for appliqueing, but I cannot change that.

By the time I realized this, the stores had already closed. I packaged it back up, found the receipt, and got it ready to take back to the store to be returned tomorrow. Once it is returned, I will have to buy a sewing machine that allows me to adjust the length and width of the stitches.

The good news is that I realized it is much easier to set up the upper and bottom thread, so switching colors shouldn't be a problem. I also learned that if I use a tight satin stitch, I can easily switch it to a straight stitch to go back and forth on before cutting the thread. That way I won't have to worry about the satin stitching bunching up and the thread won't come loose after it's cut. I will have to practice this as it might be noticeable... Getting all of the curves lined up will not be easy either, and on this sewing machine, it was difficult trying move the needle at 1/2 speed with the foot pedal. Maybe the next one will be easier to slow down. That way, when I go around tight curves, I can make sure it is lined up and smooth.

I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out...

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