Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 9

Today I finished the puzzle! But it wasn't easy and took 13 hrs! This is the 2nd half of the puzzle. Previously on this half, I had done the hot air balloons, some of the animals, the clown fish, and a few of the other fish.

Today, I started out by finishing the fish, and then doing the coral. Here are some pictures.

Once the underwater part was done, I finished the animals.

Next, I added the rainbow and filling in the blue around the animals, birds, and hot air balloons for the sky.

Then I filled in the rest of the pieces and finished it up!

The puzzle was too big for me to take a picture of the whole thing standing on the floor, so I took a side shot and then climbed on top of the kitchen counter and took a top view. The best part is...NO MISSING PIECES!!! :-)

Total hrs: 82

This was an exciting project to work on, and I finished ahead of schedule despite my busy work schedule and the other interruptions! Now, I'm going to break it back into the 12 pieces, take it to work, glue it, frame it, and then hang it as wall art in the office hallway. :-)

Double click any of the pictures to see a zoomed in view. I hope you enjoyed this project! Thanks for viewing my blog! :-)

1 comment:

  1. wow! I can't believe it's done! That's crazy MJ - 82 hours is ridiculous. Congrats on getting it done.
