Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 3

Due to my work schedule and other things I have going on, either Saturday or Sunday is going to be my designated "puzzle day". I had to move some of the panels into my bedroom because there just wasn't enough space in my project room.

I have a PMP certification test coming up that I have to study for, so the next 10 days are out. However, I still think I can reach my rather ambitious goal - to have the entire puzzle done in 8 weeks. That's 8 Saturdays of working about 8-10 hrs/day on it, totaling 64-80 for the entire puzzle. I wonder if that's possible... Worst case scenario I'm guessing would be 4-6 months until completion. Either way, I just hope to have hair by the time this monstrosity is complete!! :-)

I am working at ChildNet in Fort Lauderdale, FL. When this puzzle is complete, I will order a custom frame for it, glue the 12 sections together, put them in my car and drive them over to work, glue the big sections together so it's one large puzzle, and then attach the frame. Work has agreed to display it as wall art on the hallway wall.

Okay, so here are some pictures of day 2. I put in about 10 hrs and am starting to see progress!!! :-)

I started 2 of the ocean sections.

And here are the sail boats getting much further along! The size is misleading. The sailboats are 1-2 ft tall.

Then I worked on the solar system a little bit, and had to move part of the sailboats onto another panel.

Total hrs: 18

If you take a look at the final picture, you'll have a better idea as to the progress. Still have a LONG way to go, but it's starting to look like something. :-)

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