Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 21

Now that the cars have been ironed onto the border, I started with the black thread, and sewed around all of the tires. There are 28 cars, so this was a LOT of sewing! And being round, it was a S-L-O-W process. :-)

Once the tires were sewn, I decided to use black to sew the windshields on all of the cars.

When I finished the black thread, I started on the blue. I noticed that the wheels and blue outline looked great, but the windshield did not look good being black. It was too dark compared to the faded black on the windshield.

Therefore, the black sewing by the windshield had to go! So, I got out the handy dandy seam ripper and cut off the white and black thread that outlined the windshield...on each of the 28 cars. (Would have been nice to notice this right away.)

Once they were off, I got back to the blue sewing. This is what the blue looked like once the applique was complete. If you look close, you will notice that there are 2 shades of blue, but the one shade of blue thread that I had was sufficient.

When the blue was done, I went to change the thread, and noticed that it was almost empty. What perfect timing! If I just had one more blue car to do, I would have had to go to the store and buy more thread. :-)

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