Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 22

After the blue, I changed to the red-orange thread, and sewed all of the 1st set of red border cars. The 2nd (newer) set of red cars turned out more of a salmon/rose color than red-orange, and needed a different thread for the outline. I went to a different quilt store just a few miles from home with one of the border strips, and matched the car to one of the cotton threads. While there, I also bought batting, which will be used once the border is on and the embroidery is finished, and I also asked for a place they could recommend that did machine embroidery, though I will call a few more places tomorrow and compare time and price estimates.

After sewing both shades of red around the border cars, this is what the 2 different thread colors look like on each shade of red.

With the red done, I moved on to Tungsten. The thread was a little bit lighter than the car color, but I think it looked quite nice!

And then it was white's turn... There was not much thread left, since I had used it for all of the bottom thread, but more than enough to sew around the white cars.

Unfortunately, on one of the white cars, I got a little too aggressive with the seam ripper when I cut off the black part, resulting in a nice 1" hole right through the fabric! Oops. :-( I had to sew over the windshield area several times with the thread and make it about twice as wide as the other sections to seal the hole, but all in all, it is not noticeable unless you really look closely (the top one is the "normal" sewing and the bottom car is the windshield with the big hole).

Also with the white I forgot to pay attention to the bobbin and it ran out of thread 1/2 way through one of the cars. I had sewed the back end with only the top thread before figuring it out and had to sew over that once the bobbin was re-threaded. I thought it would be cool to take a picture of the bobbin getting wound up on full speed. It sure moves fast!! :-)

As much as I tried to camouflage it, it still turned out much thicker than the other areas.

Yellow was next. As much as I like the blue, yellow is my favorite color on this. It is soft and light, and reminds me of sunny spring days and daffodils. Kind of girly for me! :-)

The Heritage cars were last. I sewed the orange first.

Then, I changed to the light blue thread. This thread really matched the color of the car quite well!

The bumpiness is the fabric bunching from using a satin stitch, but the stitching looks nice that tight together and most of that will be ironed out. After the Heritage GTs were finished, I laid out all of the border strips. The applique is now finished and the borders are ready to be sewed to the quilt!! :-) If you look at this picture, you can hardly tell that each car has an outline of sewing!

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