Monday, June 25, 2012

WA (Historic Races at Spokane)

I met up Jeff and Marshall at the Days Inn the night before the Historic Races started.  We went over to the track to check out the cars and talk with some of Jeff's buddies.  The Lola is one of my favorite cars (yes, I know, I have many favorites), so when I saw a beautiful black one, that ended up where we spent most of the night.  The owner, Steve, was a pretty nice guy, and we all sat around telling stories and drinking beer.

Jeff didn't bring his GT - he let Marshall drive it there.  The GT wasn't on the track, but enjoyed watching the races and hanging out in the pits with the other cars.

I recognized Marshall from the Indy 500 several years ago.  He does a lot of great photography at car races and even left me with one of the GT!  Jeff is my GT friend, and also a good friend of Ralphie's. :-)  It is amazing that Jeff knows just about every person at the track (including the people working there), though he says that for people who do the historic racing, it's a small world!

Jeff and I wore purple wrist bands, which meant we were pit crew and here to work! :-)  Actually, I was able to help out a little by getting their time sheets and helping to stage the cars based on how fast they went in their opening session.  I did make a mistake with one of the cars that looked like #9.  I put him in #9's spot, but once in there, I noticed the small "1" stuck in front of the 9 making it a 19.  I guess there already was a #9 when he came out and had to make a last minute change.  Oops!

We watched the races from the pit area, where the cars are staged.  I was only allowed in there because of Jeff.


I also enjoyed the Lotuses (or is it Loti?) and a few of the other 50's and 60's racing cars - especially the curvy open ones!!

This #53 car I was able to sit in.  It feels odd!  You are 1 foot off of the ground and completely exposed as it's all open.  The pedals are all the way back and you are basically leaning back in the seat.

This was "my" Lola! :-)  Isn't she a beauty!!

The Minis, Porsches, and BMW's were stacked up on the other side.  During lunchtime, while we ate pulled pork sandwiches and chips, they went out for a few parade laps around the track.  Jeff took me out in his GT for a couple laps as well at the end of the day. :-)


After watching 2 of the races, I went out to take a walk by the pits and look at the other cars.  People were hard at work making sure their cars were ready to go or fixing anything that might be a little "off" or broken from the opening races.

Do you know who George Lucas is?  He (yes, the same George Lucas) is Crew Chief on this yellow car below and you can see his name on the door.

This is me next to the black #84 Lola.

A female who wore purple took out this Challenger.  I guess it's okay that she also has a purple car since she's pretty darn fast on the track!  There was another girl driving a BMW that's friends with Jeff.

The races are about 15 minutes each and there were 5 groups of cars.  The formula one cars were the fastest!

Two of my favorite cars battling out for first place.

And here are Jeff and Marshall!!  It was very cold out!  We wore shirts, fleeces, and coats/jackets and were STILL freezing (at least I was)!  It rained all morning and the cars were going slower to avoid spinning out (though several still did).  By noon, the rain stopped and the rain clouds started to back off.  It stayed cold though.

Toe to toe.  And it's the #38 car that pulls out in front. :-)

Time for the formula one cars to race.  This was exciting as the speed, sounds, and even line on the track was different than with the other "old" cars.  I would like to have one some day to play with on the track.  They look like fun!

About 1/2 way through, Jeff and I got in his warm car, tipped back the seats, and took a nap.  I woke up 3 hrs later!!!!  It was so nice and warm in the car I didn't want to get out.  The sacrifices I make for cars.  LOL

The yellow caution flag was out a few times.  Here is one that slid off the track!

Beautiful as this old gal is, she was much slower than the other cars on the track.

Gotta love the sponsors.  LOL

I like this picture.  Quite a hodge podge of cars!

My favorite!  (Yes, I know, I've said that before.)  A Ferrari 250 GTO.  Didn't go on the race track, but still looked pretty as ever!