Friday, August 10, 2012

ID (Sandpoint and Bonner's Ferry)

It has been awhile since this blog has been updated.  I have not had sufficient Internet access to upload pictures for the past month, but now I do. :)  Therefore, I have quite a bit to catch up on!

Let's see...  Since the last post, I went from Spokane through the northern part of Idaho, just a few miles from Canada.  I did not spend much time in these areas, but did enjoy the beautiful scenery.  The northern part of ID had streams and lakes, with mountains in the background.

 The park I stopped at was in Sandpoint.  There were quite a few adorable baby ducks out and about. :)

Not a bad place to live!!!! :)  Next, I drove through Bonner's Ferry and Moyie Springs, ID.  There is a lot of snow here in the winter time, but in June, it was beautiful!!


This Pelton Wheel provided power to generate the first electricity to this area.

Gold miners rushing to Wild Horse in British Columbia in 1863 were paddled across this river by Indians.  Bonner's Ferry got its name when the following year, EL Bonner put up an actual ferry here.

The Kootenai Tribe lived in Bonner's Ferry, as well as other  parts of Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia for thousands of years. Americans tried to push them onto a reservation as they have to other Indian tribes.  However, in 1974 they declared war on the US for their own land.

Constructed in 1964, this steel truss bridge spans the Moyie River Canyon at 464 ft, and is the second highest bridge in ID.  The power dam supplies electricity to Bonner's Ferry and the surrounding area.  The dam drop off is 212 ft, which is higher than Niagara Falls.

From there, I drove over to a place where I could hike to the Kootenai Falls (named after the Indian Tribe) and the swinging bridge.

On the way to Montana from Bonner's Ferry, a small moose crossed in front of me.

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